Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Welcome back!!

 I think this is just over all a cool picture, I love the different colors. Its looks like a great deal of water is falling out of the sky, which wouldn't usually be weird. But this picture is just so unique. Something you wouldn't see everyday. Plus my favorite is the little tree.

 I love this photo simply because I adore the stars. It looks like a mix between morning and night. It looks like right when the sun is coming up in the morning but also like night is trying to take over forming a bright white light in the center.

This photo is very different. It looks like an abandoned old church, but when you think of old abandon churches you think pale colors and dirt, but that the weird part of this photo the colors are so bright and beautiful of blues, teals, greens, and a little bit of a orangey yellow. Like an underwater abandoned church!


 What was the best song of 2010?

California Girls-Katy Perry <3

What was the best movie of 2010?


What was the most important news story of the year?

The oil spill in the Gulf.

 Who was the most important person of 2010?

Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi

What was the biggest sports OR entertainment, story OR person of 2010 


Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? It can be a trip, a family visit, a present, something fun. 
 My holiday blew, I didn't get to see my mom in Missouri and I spend a week and Christmas eve in the hospital. They  let me out right before Christmas day. 

What are your resolutions for the 2011 year? 
To accomplish everything I want to get done this year, and really focus of doing really well in school. Be more positive and less negative, spend more time with family less with friends.

What are you looking forward to in 2011?  

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