Thursday, October 14, 2010

Funny Captions

 You know what they are what you eat.
Jerry Wynn, (man on left) Tom Nyoman (man on right) are captured by fisherman from the island of Getmeouttahuuria. They thought it was a rescue boat coming for them and headed out for seas.

For all you cat lovers out there...
 Tiffany Sue, has found a new way to give her cat Ms. Priss a bath. Every once in 3 months or so she will give Ms. Priss a bath finally getting tired of it she threw her in the washing machine, Ms. Priss wasn't a very happy 'catpur' about this.

Gotta do whatcha gotta do...
 Mrs. Stevenson comes home from a hard day at work and finds her husband "only doing his job" he just wants to make her happy. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson have been married for 6 months now, and the newlyweds are already have marridal problems Mr Stevenson can't seem to do the dishes.

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