Monday, March 28, 2011

Interviewing skills

1. List three different sources you could interview for this topic.
The school board. Austin District.
Principles of the school, AP's (My own personal, priciples AP's in AHA! Academy)

2. Create 20 questions you could ask each source and post them on your blog.
  • Why do you feel the need to appose uniforms on the students?
  • What ideas do you have for uniforms?
  • Will the board provide uniforms or will the students have to go out themselves and get them?
  • If so, what about the families that don't have the money for this? Will there be an alternative way of getting the uniforms?
  • Will there be specific coloring or uniforms to determine which grade the students are in?
  • Will each school have different uniforms or will they all be the same?
  • Why do you feel that public schools need school uniforms?
  • How long have you been thinking or talking about this?
  • Will you have students vote on or against it, or not?
  • If a student chooses not to wear them, what will the punishment be?
  • Teachers, will they be provided uniforms as well? And faculty?
  • If so, how do you think the teachers would feel about that?
  • How do you think the students will act or say about this dramatic change in dress code?
  • What do you think parents would say? 
  • Will there be a day when you can wear whatever you like (still being in dress code)?
  • Do you think in forcing school uniforms will bring up grade averages and standardized test averages?
  • Do you think this will improve, not improve, or stay the same in the school at all?
  • If to many students/parents are upset about this fact will there be a change in decision?
  •  If Austin ISD wants this, is it the schools principle's decision whether or not they want that for their school?
  • Can the students and teachers over-rule this decision?

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