Monday, March 28, 2011

Touching People

1. What do you think about this project and photo essay?
  I think its kind or neat, but you can see the awkwardness in the look of some of the people in the photo.

2. What would you do if someone approached you with a camera and asked you to participate in a photo shoot and then asked you to touch a stranger?

  I'd think it was a bit strange, I'd ask who it was I'd be touching and what for and how I'd be touching them or they'd be touching me and if it was okay then I'd do it.

3. Think of an unusual photo shoot similar to this one that you think would be fun to go and shoot. 

 Probably like an old scenery photo shoot, like the flapper times.

4. Finally, tell me what you thought of the photography, did the photographer think about the rules of photography that you know about? What types of photos did he take? 

 I thought it was normal, nothing special to me, looks the photos you get taken for a family photo. Some photos were showing simplicity and lines, but a lot the photos had merges that were distracting me and some backgrounds were very good.

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