Friday, April 1, 2011

Basic News Writing (first story)

Who is involved? Teachers. AISD.
Who does/did the situation affect? The teachers who are being cut by the budget
Who said so? Austin School District


What is happening? Teachers are being cut from their jobs, because the board can't pay all them.
What did happen? A certain teacher got cut, after finding out she has a tumor.
What are the consequences? Lack of money and jobs.
What is different about this? Tons of teachers will end up jobless.
What are the choices? Finding new jobs, preferably not a teaching job.


When did or will this happen? The meetings were last week and this week. Already is happening.
When was this discovered? When the board discovered the money situation.


Where did or will this happen? At school.


Why did this happen or will it happen? The board doesn't have enough to pay the teachers.


How did it or will it happen? The will be sent a letter or call saying they will be cut after this year.
How much does it cost?
$94.4 million shortfall
How many people does this affect?1,153 jobs will be cut.
How do you feel about this? Honestly, it sucks really bad and I might lose some really good teachers.

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