Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Caption writing practice.

Courtney Jackson smiles silly at the camera, during the half time show. She usually takes the photos for the half time show not getting her photo taken.

Brandon Watson, taking the final shot as the alarm goes off for the final buzzer at the Akins basketball game versus Crockett. He missed the shot unfortunately leaving the game to a split tie at 28-28.
Composition rules- This photo definitely has some mergers in it, the random arm coming from behind Brandon this taking away from the photo. Leading lines, his arms leading to the basketball. He is very close to the rule of thirds, rule of thirds is when you make a imaginary tic tac toe lines and if he ends up in any part of the lines that meet close to any corner but not exactly in the corner then you are in the rule of thirds.

Gabe aka "Big Guy" Maldonado its in art class finishing up the finally touches of his art project he is currently making for his mother back home. Right after he finishes the project he leaves it in the classroom and it gets thrown away, fortunately he has another project that his mother enjoys even more.
Rule of thirds, his shoulder is in rules of thirds.

In art class, different students from all over campus are creating sculptures of there favorite animals. This one student created a hand holding an owl. Mergers, a random women holding another owl coming out from under the sculpture owl, the half of the teachers head. Half of the students head. Leading lines, lines leading to the foot. No depth, because the 3 main parts of the pictures are not in focus.

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