Friday, April 1, 2011

Basic News Writing (second story)

Who is involved? Barry Bonds, and the other 50 people who were witnesses for him and his testifiers.
Who does/did the situation affect? Barry Bonds
Who said so? The court

What is happening? Barry Bond has been charged for using enhanced drugs.
What did happen? Its happened back in 03
What are the consequences? Jail.
What is different about this? He won't be free.
What are the choices? To admit to it.


When did or will this happen? 2003
When was this discovered? When he got caught.

Where did or will this happen? In the court when people go up for witness and testify against him.

Why did this happen or will it happen? Because he was using enhanced drugs.

How did it or will it happen? It happened in 2003 and April of 04, and also march of 06.
How much does it cost? He paid Anderson from $500 to $800.
How many people does this affect? Pretty much everyone on the team.
How do you feel about this? It really doesn't phase me one bit.

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